This is termed Intrastat. 2.3 EU Regulation 1982/2004 set up measures for implementing EU Regulation 638/2004, ensuring that each Member State collects 


Commission Regulation (EU) No 91/2010 of 2 February 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 implementing Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the 

UPDATE January 28, 2021 - HMRC has confirmed that there is an obligation to submit the Intrastat declarations for the Intrastat EU arrival in the UK for the entire year of 2021 (originally it was confirmed that this was only obliged for the first six months of 2021). European Intrastat legislation The primary Intrastat regulations are Orders of European Parliament and Council of Europe Nr. 638/2004 and Order-Nr. 1982/2004 of European Committee as amended. According to these provisions, the EU member states may independently decide how the Intrastat system will be implemented on national levels. Therefore, Intrastat remains unchanged until the end of 2020, so that UK does not have to change its declaration of EU internal trade statistics.

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Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 on statistics relating to the trading of goods between EU countries WHAT IS THE AIM OF THE REGULATION? It sets up systems and procedures to simplify the operation of Intrastata system originally established in 1993, to collect information on the intra-European Union (EU) trade of goods. Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on implementing powers conferred on the Commission; Intra-EU trade (or Intrastat) Basic Act: Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council; Implementing provisions: Commission Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004; Extra-EU trade (or Extrastat) The provisions on intra-EU trade statistics (or Intrastat legislation) allow the Member States to choose to a large extent how they implement the Intrastat system, i.e. which trade data to collect from the parties responsible for providing the statistical information (PSIs) and how. 2021-04-09 · The EU Regulations provide the legal basis for Intrastat for trade between Northern Ireland and the EU under the terms of the Northern Ireland Protocol is EC No. 638/2004 Council Regulation (dated The Intrastat system is based on EU Regulation No. 638/2004 (EU Regulation), supplemented Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1982/2004, which implements the EU regulation. Since the main Intrastat rules are provided in the EU regulation—which is directly applicable in all EU member states—in theory, the rules should Uppgifter insamlas till Intrastat med stöd av 7 § lagen (2001:99) om den officiella statistiken och SCB:s föreskrifter (SCB-FS 2015:3) om uppgifter till statistik avseende Sveriges handel med EU:s medlemsländer och (SCB-FS 2010:16) om uppgifter till statistik över vissa särskilda förflyttningar av varor. 2018-02-24 · INTRASTAT is the system for collecting information and producing statistics on the dispatches and arrivals of goods between countries of the European Union (EU).

adoption of a Regulation of the Council and of the European Parliament amending the basic Intrastat Regulation by simplifying the declaration of product 

2021-01-01 · Intrastat a system introduced in the all EU member states following the 1993 launch of the EU free trade market since customs borders and reporting were withdrawn. Intrastat does not apply if the goods are coming in from outside of Europe (‘imports’) or being sent out of the EU (‘exports’). UPDATE January 28, 2021 - HMRC has confirmed that there is an obligation to submit the Intrastat declarations for the Intrastat EU arrival in the UK for the entire year of 2021 (originally it was confirmed that this was only obliged for the first six months of 2021). European Intrastat legislation The primary Intrastat regulations are Orders of European Parliament and Council of Europe Nr. 638/2004 and Order-Nr.

Intrastat eu legislation

Intrastat. April 23, 2020. EU Member States are free to set their own assimilation thresholds for Intrastat reporting in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council. These tresholds are set separately for arrivals and dispatches.

1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON INTRASTAT AND THE FULFILLMENT OF A company must report for Intrastat if: it trades in goods with companies or individuals in other EU Member States, and; the total value of the company’s dispatches of goods to EU Member States or arrivals of goods from EU Member States in the previous or current calendar year exceeded the value of the exemption threshold mentioned in the Intrastat Guide. When your company starts EU trade. According to EU legislation, your obligation to submit Intrastat declarations starts when the value of your trade exceeds the threshold value, which in 2020 is 600 000 euros for exports, as well as for imports. Finnish Customs Statistics will notify you about the start of your obligation to submit declarations. Additional information must be collected for exports in order for other countries to use the exchanged information. To keep the total burden of reporting Intrastat Export neutral, the new EU legislation reduces the share of exports statistics that must be based on reporting, which allows the minor exporters to be exempted from reporting. New commodity codes to come into effect in January 2021.

These tresholds are set separately for arrivals and dispatches.
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Intrastat eu legislation

Intrastat. European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 638/2004. Commission Regulation  Intrastat reporting is based on basic EU regulations that apply in all member states.

Each intra-EU VAT registered  INTRASTAT is based on EU regulation no. 638/2004, dated 1st January 2005, on the community statistics relating to the trading of goods between member  Depending on your company size and your location in the world, you may have to report Intrastat to your local authorities. If you work in a European country, you   244, recante proroga e definizione di termini.
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5 Current Legislation covering INTRASTAT data collection Basic Regluation Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on Community statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91.

tröskelvärden för att lämna uppgifter till Intrastat (handel med andra EU-länder). 1995 KN (Kombinerade nomenklaturen) används av samtliga EU-länder för en 2009/147/EC N2000 SPA Fågeldirektivet Natura 2000 sites (Birds Directive)  order to make the rule comply with the EU's VAT Directive. The analy- sis contains MVD och systemet Intrastat i det hänseendet.929. 6.4.7 Slutsatser.

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25 Nov 2020 Three EU draft laws to challenge the data grip of US tech giants inside Europe have been unveiled by EU commissioners. The aim, they say, 

utförsel till EU och 4 500 000 för införsel från EU per år; Intrastat är en cut-off statistics are compiled according to EU legislation. The name of  I Förhoppningar och farhågor: Sveriges 20 första år i EU ingår ett tjugotal bidrag från forskare där DG Miljö:, statistik avseende Sveriges handel med EU:s medlemsländer.

PSIs must report on dispatches of goods from Slovenia to other EU Member States must be drawn up according to the European and Slovenian legislation.

You must declare Intrastat measures the intra-Community trade of goods, i.e. the movements of goods between the Member States of the European Union. In Belgium this means the declaration of goods that arrive at your company in Belgium from another EU Member State and/or are sent from your company in Belgium to another EU Member State. INTRASTAT is the name given to the system for collecting statistics on the movement of goods, not services, between the Member States of the European Union (EU). It has been in operation since 1 January 1993, and replaced customs declarations as the source of trade statistics within the EU. Se hela listan på These web pages contain Intrastat-related documents: legislation, EU methodological materials, news, necessary information, technical basics and the Instructions for Reporting Units as well as the Intrastat Application Form. Available documents are going to be updated in line with emerging changes. EU legislation Last update: 11.01.2021 | Number of views: 17054 REGULATION (EC) No 638/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 31 March 2004 on Community statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 as amended.

Finnish Customs Statistics will notify you about the start of your obligation to submit declarations. Additional information must be collected for exports in order for other countries to use the exchanged information. To keep the total burden of reporting Intrastat Export neutral, the new EU legislation reduces the share of exports statistics that must be based on reporting, which allows the minor exporters to be exempted from reporting. New commodity codes to come into effect in January 2021.